2023 AVL 國際線上仿真研討會
- 主題演講:
Simulation Everywhere – The Virtual Twin
Roland Wanker, Vice President Advances Simulation Technologies, AVL List GmbH
Wolfgang Puntigam Global Business Unit Manager, AVL List GmbH
Importance of Open Standards for Virtual ADAS/AD Verification and Validation
Marius Dupuis, CEO, ASAM e.V.
Simulation on Demand: How Cloud Technology is Making it More Accessible and Scalable
Annu Gmeiner, Account Technology Strategist, Microsoft Österreich GmbH
Carbon Free Society
Jürgen Rechberger, Business Field Leader Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, AVL List GmbH
- 專題討論與技術演示:
Battery: Challenges and Opportunities
Mastering Fuel Cell Development Challenges
加快速度: 電驅動效率與NVH優化
Speed-Up: E-Drive Efficiency and NVH Optimization
ADAS/AD: 虛擬驗證的安全性?
ADAS/AD: Virtual Validation and yet SAFE?
朝功能導向發展前進: 車輛系統仿真的新時代
Changing Towards Function Oriented Development: New Era for Vehicle System Simulation
完全虛擬化: 用於純虛擬校準的SiL環境
Virtual ONLY: SiL Environment for Pure Virtual Calibration
乘風破浪: 車輛空氣動力學與水資源管理的快速虛擬樣機
Through Winds and Waves: Rapid Virtual Prototyping for Vehicle Aerodynamics and Water Management
The IC-Engine in a Sustainable Society
2023 AVL 國際線上仿真研討會
March 28, 2023 11:10 CEST |
OnboardingRoland WankerVice President, Advanced Simulation Technologies, AVL List GmbH |
11:20 CEST |
CEO MessageHelmut ListChairman and CEO, AVL List GmbH |
11:40 CEST |
Virtual Twin: Driving the Sustainable MobilityRoland Wanker Wolfgang Puntigam |
12:00 CEST |
Importance of Open Standards for Virtual ADAS/AD Verification and ValidationMarius DupuisCEO, ASAM e.V. |
12:20 CEST |
Simulation on Demand: How Cloud Technology is Making it More Accessible and ScalableAnnu Gmeiner |
12:40 CEST |
Energy Supply for a Carbon Neutral SocietyJürgen Rechberger |
13:00 CEST |
LIVE Podium Discussion |
14:00 CEST |
Technical Presentations Available On Demand |
March 29, 2023 11:00 – 11:45 CEST |
Live Round TableBattery: Challenges and Opportunities |
11:45 – 12:30 CEST |
Live Round TableMastering Fuel Cell Development Challenges |
12:30 – 13:15 CEST |
Live Round TableSpeed-Up: E-Drive Efficiency and NVH Optimization |
13:15 – 14:00 CEST |
Live Round TableADAS/AD: Virtual Validation and Yet SAFE? |
March 30, 2023 11:00 – 11:45 CEST |
Live Round TableChanging Towards Function Oriented Development: New Era for Vehicle System Simulation |
11:45 – 12:30 CEST |
Live Round TableThe IC-Engine in a Sustainable Society |
12:30 – 13:15 CEST |
Live Round TableThrough Wind and Waves: Rapid Virtual Prototyping for Vehicle Aerodynamics and Water Management |
13:15 – 14:00 CEST |
Live Round TableVirtual ONLY: SiL Environment for Pure Software Verification and Validation |
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